If your teenager has a passion and drive, and you feel like he/she might be about to take the family car over, it’s time for you to learn about the many ways you can help them avoid a collision. These are some useful tips, including how to avoid distracted driving and how to use seat belts and GPS tracking systems.
Distracted driving
Distracted driving is a leading cause of crashes, especially for young drivers. There are many things you can do to help your teenager avoid a crash.
First, get them to understand that they can’t use their cell phones while driving. It is not the best use of their time and can lead to problems later.
Getting them to understand that texting while driving is not only illegal, but can result in personal injury lawsuits. It can be helpful to have a hands-free device in their car. It is important that they use it safely.
Although texting while driving may be the most well-known form of distracted driving it doesn’t mean that it is the only one. Other high-risk driving behaviors include driving drunk, using a navigation device and talking on the telephone.
The CDC’s Parent-Teen Driving Agreement worksheet will help you get started. It is not an exhaustive list of safety measures but it will give you an overview of the most crucial ones.
Using an app that can help you reduce your cell phone usage while you are on the road can be a smart move. Even better, putting a keeper bag over the screen to block out distractions can be a great way to protect your teen.
Your teen will be able to safely reach his or her destination by taking the time to explain distracted driving, the risks and the benefits. Also, you should teach your teen about graduated driver licensing laws and state law.
The best way to avoid a car accident is to set an example. You should model responsible behavior for your teenager, even if they are not yet ready to drive on their own.
A good example is to make sure your teen knows how to pull over if they need to. This is one of the most common errors and can cause serious injuries or even death.
Explain the CDC’s Parent/Teen driving agreement worksheet to your teen to make sure they understand the importance of motoring-related novelty. Seeing that there are dozens of other things you can do, you may want to look into a family rules of the road guide.
Seat belts
Seat belts are a vital safety device to keep occupants safe in a car crash. These devices are especially important for teens. Using one can minimize the risks of serious injury, including fatal injuries, and can save thousands of lives.
Teens are less likely to use a seat belt than adults. Unrestrained occupants are responsible for nearly half of all fatal car accidents. The best way to encourage your teenager to use the correct safety device is to model the right behavior.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has compiled statistics regarding seat belt use. They show that seatbelts saved around ten thousand lives last year. Numerous studies have shown that a seatbelt can help protect passengers from serious injury in a crash. This is especially true for rollover accidents.

In 2004, researchers discovered that the average seatbelt usage rate for 16-24-year-olds was 77 per cent. At the same time, the number of deaths involving teens is up. According to NHTSA, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause death for teenagers between the ages of 15 and 20.
While seat belts aren’t the only solution, it’s a good idea to take some time to look at some of the more effective measures to prevent a crash. To protect your child during a trip, you might also consider purchasing a booster seat.
One of the most important facts about seat belts, is that they reduce your chance of being hurt or killed in a car crash by half. In fact, seat belts have been found to save about half a million lives each year.
Seat belts also have the unique ability to keep your head, body and legs in place in case of a crash. These features are intended to provide the best protection.
According to the DOT teens are more likely to be hurt in a collision than adults. Remember to fasten your seatbelt when you get in the car.
Another study showed that proper use a seatbelt can reduce the severity and impact of a crash by as much as 45 percent. Not wearing a seatbelt increases your chances of suffering serious injuries, such as head trauma and spinal fractures.
Drowsy driving – Abogados de Accidentes Costa Mesa
Drowsy driving is one of the leading causes of automobile accidents, and it affects both teens and adults. Drowsy driving can be fatal. Although it is difficult to avoid, there are steps you can take.
Teenagers are at greatest risk of falling asleep while driving. In a study cited by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), young drivers were found to be four times more likely than older drivers to be involved in sleep-related crashes. The risk increases even further for teens without much driving experience.
Teenagers are at an age where their biological need for sleep has increased. They are also more likely to stay up late to attend parties, school, and events.
They get less sleep than they should, and this can lead to them sleeping less. This can lead them to driving in a drowsy state and other dangerous driving habits. Parents should ensure that teens get enough sleep and help them to establish a regular sleeping schedule.
Parents can encourage their teen’s good sleeping habits by limiting screen time before bed. Teens may be tempted by cell phones while driving. It is important to designate a place for the device.
Stop driving if your teenager feels sleepy. If he is unable to drive, he can take a cab or use public transportation. If he’s unable to drive, let him pull over and rest.
Drowsy driving is just as dangerous as driving under the influence. It can reduce a driver’s reaction time, executive function, and muscle coordination. Drivers and pedestrians alike are at risk from driving while tired.
Drowsy driving, fatigue, and other factors that can lead to accidents and injuries are often associated with drowsy driving. It is important to learn how you can avoid them. Check out the American Academy of Sleep Medicine’s page about preventing drowsy driver.
A good night’s sleep is a great way to avoid drowsy driving. Adults need seven hours of sleep per night, while teens need eight. During peak periods of sleepiness, drivers are most at risk, so avoiding driving during these times is a good idea.
GPS-enabled tracking system
A GPS-enabled tracking system can help you monitor your teenager’s driving habits. It will track your teenager’s speed, location, and braking patterns. You can also set alerts to let you know when he or she is driving at a specific speed or if he or she is making a dangerous turn.
GPS trackers are an inexpensive way to improve the safety of your vehicle. They will keep you informed of your loved one’s current locations and can even help you locate a car if it goes missing.
These devices can help you keep your loved one safe and can also be used by adults to locate a parent or elderly relative who has disappeared. Wearables can also be protected against theft with the help of applications.
Having accurate location data can save lives. This information can help you quickly reach the scene of an accident if your child is struck by another vehicle. It can also help to settle disputes between drivers and improve the outcome of insurance claims.
Tracking devices are legal in the United States. However, you must get consent before installing one in a teenager’s car. Certain states are more flexible than others when tracking a minor’s car.
Special forces, Abogados de Accidentes Costa Mesa law enforcement and other organizations use GPS trackers for a variety purposes. The Global Positioning System or GPS is a radio-navigation technology that uses satellite systems. It was initially intended for military use but it has been commercialized.
GPS-enabled tracking systems are now available for less than $100. You can download several apps to your phone to track a motorist’s driving habits. Using a tracker to monitor a teen driver can reduce the risk of accidents.
You can make sure your teenager is safe by installing a GPS-enabled tracker system. Having this technology will allow you to be aware of their driving habits, allowing you to influence their behavior.
Teenagers are often impulsive and reckless drivers. Installing a GPS-enabled tracking system in your teen’s vehicle can help to prevent these habits from becoming a habit.